Home Wellness Beat The Summer Heat with 5 Refreshing Thirst Quenchers

Beat The Summer Heat with 5 Refreshing Thirst Quenchers

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Beat The Summer Heat with 5 Refreshing Thirst Quenchers

Looking for some drinks to cool off yourself this summer? Look no further! In this article we’re bringing you the 5 most chilling drink recipes your body desperately needs in the hot days.

1- Watermelon Mint Cocktail

What else is better than a watermelon cocktail in the watermelon season! This drink will surely quench your thirst and refresh your body. So, here’s how to make it:

Peel one watermelon, cut it into medium cubes and get rid of the seeds. Put the cubes in the blender and add water, some ice cubes, and as much sugar as you want. Blend the mixture well and pour yourself a cup of the drink, then garnish it with some fragrant mint leaves. Now your delicious summer drink is ready, enjoy!

2- Iced Tea

There is no better summer drink out there than this one! This light, refreshing homemade beverage serves up to 4 people. Let’s break the recipe down: You need four tea bags, two tablespoons of honey, four cups of boiling water, two tablespoons of lemon juice, one cup of iced water, some lemon slices and mint leaves for garnish.

Soak the tea bags in the boiling water, then remove them and add the honey, lemon juice, and iced water. Pour the drink into the cups and garnish it with lemon slices and mint leaves.

Beat The Summer Heat with 5 Refreshing Thirst Quenchers

3- Pina Colada

You’ve definitely heard of this refreshing summer drink or tasted it. What about you start making it yourself? Simply, bring a ripe pineapple, cut off its green crown and scoop it out well.

Put the pineapple chunks in the blender and add half a cup of cow’s milk, 5 tablespoons of coconut milk, 5 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream and ice cubes.

Mix it well till you get the tastiest Pina Colada.

4- Strawberry Lemonade

Another drink worth a shot this summer is strawberry lemonade, as it contains all the fresh summer flavors you need to calm your thirst and cool your nerves.

With minimal effort, you need to put 2 cups of strawberries and 3 cups of lemon juice in the blender. Add 3 cups of iced water, 1 tablespoon of lemon zest and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix it all together and enjoy your drink!

5- Mango Milkshake

Finally, we suggest you this drink bursting with fantastic seasonal mango flavors. To make it, peel two mangos and slice them into small pieces. Put the mangos in the blender and add over half a cup of cow’s milk with a tablespoon of sugar.

Blend it until the ingredients are thoroughly combined and indulge in your new favorite summer drink.

Now that we’ve revealed the best refreshing drinks for this summer, which one are you most excited to try?

Last Updated on February 22, 2024

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